Abed Sinan
Abed is a Partner of ADR International, having previously held senior roles with PA Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Arthur Andersen.
Since 2012 with ADR, Abed’s expertise includes strategy development, transformation and performance improvement in the areas of procurement and supply. In addition, Abed has led projects that have delivered step-changes in corporate performance, ensured policy was converted to front-line delivery and transformed organisations’ business models through aligning financial and strategic planning to operational performance.
Abed became Partner of ADR in April 2019.
Leadership Team
Rod Jones
Robin Jackson
To solve this problem, ADR have created OPRA, our Online Procurement Academy that offers deep-content, interactive e-learning modules for procurement negotiation.
Our executive advisory service draws on our broad range of experience and knowledge to provide a procurement strategy that we guarantee will work for you.